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Heath and Care

How is Desi Ghee made by using Bilona Method?

It’s a relief to know about traditional and pure things to consume when we continuously fall under the trap of eating food that is made with chemicals and harmful processes. Cow’s Ghee is definitely an exception when it comes to your health. Ghee is been a part of our diets since forever and it’s time to rethink what we intake and its benefits. Along with adding flavours, cow’s ghee with its medicinal and digestion benefits. On top of that, if Bilona Method is involved, it’s the perfect cherry on the cake. Why is Bilona Method so important? Ghee is basically an aromatic elixir that was used to be made traditionally by a slow & elaborate process called the Bilona Method.This method required a lot more time and effort, swooping in mechanized processes which were quick but degraded the nutritional value of ghee. Now is the high time to let the Bilona Method make a comeback! Let’s dig deep into why the ghee made from the Bilona Method is superior to the regularly processed ghee. What is the Bilona process? The word “Bilona” comes from the wooden beater which was used in ancient times to churn out butter from the curd. We’ve broken down this process into several steps, let’s take a look at it: Step 1: Procurement and boiling At Gir Organic, we have 350+ Gir Cows who are fed 100% natural fodder. The first step is to procure the healthy A2 Gir Cow’s Milk and boil it over the firewoods. This is a long process of boiling which is beneficial in two ways. Firstly, this disinfects the milk and makes it completely safe for consumption. Secondly, it makes the A2 milk more concentrated.  Step 2: Curdling of Milk This boiled milk is then cooled down and a spoonful of curd called jamavan is then added to the milk. Overnight, the milk is kept inside an earthen pot and gets converted into curd. Step 3: Churning A wooden churner called “Bilona” is used to churn the curd to get fermented makkhan (butter), this is the most important step of the whole process. This is a lengthy process that ends in the separation of curd into butter and buttermilk. Step 4: Separation After churning, the buttermilk is separated and we get makkhan floating on top. This makkhan can now be used to produce Tharparkar Cow Ghee. Step 5: Heating At a medium temperature, the makkhan is then melted by heating firewood in a container. In this boiling process, a visible solid layer is formed after a while indicating that A2 Ghee is about to be ready. At this point, one can smell the real aroma of organic cow ghee as it turns yellow-golden. Finally, this golden liquid is filtered through a strainer and stored in glass jars. Experience overall goodness of health with the traditional Bilona A2 Ghee Visit Desert Nomadic and get the best Cow’s A2 Ghee which can add the aroma of good health to your life.

How is Desi Ghee made by using Bilona Method? Read More »

Why is Cow Ghee the Intelligent Choice?

One of the most essential ingredients in Indian cuisine, most food items are incomplete without a generous dollop of ghee. This does not come as a surprise, for ghee holds immense importance in every Indian household. This is also why India is one of the largest producers of ghee in the world.  A healthy fat, ghee is an important food that should be consumed to prevent brain disorders, improve memory and motor skills, maintain hormonal balance and regenerate damaged cells. No wonder why ghee is known as nectar for the brain.  In western countries, ghee is known as clarified butter. Often, people avoid consuming clarified butter because they are either under the misconception that it is harmful to the body as it increases the fat content, or because people think that clarified butter cannot be consumed by those suffering from lactose intolerance. This blog aims to clear such misconceptions based on facts and reality.  What truly decides the nutritional content and health factor of ghee is its process. Most commercial brands make ghee by heating the cream, evaporating the water and removing the residue. This kind of ghee is certainly not very healthy in consumption. It increases fat in the body and has a lower nutritional value. On the other hand, there are certain brands such as Desert Nomadic, that make pure and original Tharparkar cow ghee using authentic ingredients and traditional methods such as Vedic Bilona Method to produce ghee. To make a batch of A2 Pure Ghee, A2 milk from desi Cows and A2 curd is mixed. The makkhan is then churned using the 5000-year old Bilona method and the makkhan is separated from the buttermilk. This separated makkhan is then heated to obtain pure A2 ghee. This process may be long, but it produces the best quality ghee which is extremely healthy to consume. The difference between tharparkar cow ghee and regular ghee is the milk from which it is made. The cow ghee is made from A2 milk obtained from desi cows. This is much more healthy and nutritious as opposed to ghee made from regular HF or Jersey cows that produce A1 milk. If you are thinking about opting for ghee, then always go for cow ghee over any other type of ghee.   The original Gir cow ghee has been praised in the Ayurvedic texts for centuries. It has countless benefits that we cannot even begin describing. It neutralizes the stomach acid before the food goes to the small intestine, and it also heals any stomach inflammations caused due to the acidic properties of the stomach. Ghee also helps in raising the HDL levels, thereby ensuring that your cardiovascular system functions properly. Moreover, Gir cow ghee is full of all the good important fatty acids, Omega 3 and Omega 6 as well as a significant amount of vitamins A, D, E and K. Ghee also acts as a natural moisturiser for the skin. Certain people use it as hair oil as well. A2 Pure Ghee also reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. It helps heal the wounds faster along with improving the metabolism and preventing insulin resistance. Therefore, if you are thinking about switching your ghee brand or simply shifting to more consumption of ghee, then you need to choose the original Gir cow ghee only because that is the only intelligent choice! 

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Why do we Need to Protect our Indigenous Indian Cows?

As stated rightly by Lord Krishna “Humans need cows more than cows need humans. Cows need to be protected for humans to survive.” This is true for several reasons.  India is known worldwide for a lot of its qualities. From its vast agricultural lands, to its rich cultural heritage, and undeniably, its indigenous cows. Anybody can easily identify an indigenous Indian cow as opposed to a foreign-bred Jersey cow by its mere appearance. Standing tall and beautiful, indigenous Indian cows are often in the shades of brown and white, with a magnificent hump on their backs. However, did you know that India had over 127 breeds of cattle. Sadly, most of them are now extinct, and India is left with a shocking number of 37 breeds only. This makes it all the more important for us to ensure their survival.  Since time immemorial, our Desi cows have helped us in countless ways from ploughing, to farming, to carrying loads, to providing manure for agriculture, and most importantly, providing healthy milk and original cow ghee that is consumed in every household. It is not surprising that Indian cows are given the title of mother and addressed as ‘Gau Mata’. Apart from the contribution of cows in our lives, even the Indian mythology emphasises on the importance of Indian cows. Our beloved Lord Krishna guarded the cows throughout his life. It is also believed that when the Gods and demons were churning the ocean, Kamdhenu, an indigenous cow, emerged from the ocean of milk to provide us with life-sustaining milk.  As time passed, people became increasingly ignorant towards the value of indigenous Indian cows. Due to misinformation, there was a rise in apathy, and a result, a rise in the neglect of our Gau Mata. People also began believing that foreign-bred cows provided quality milk as opposed to Indian cows, and people stopped to Desi Ghee It is now scientifically proven that native Indian cows such as Gir cows and Hallikar cows provide better quality milk than mix-breed cows found in foreign countries. This is because native cow milk has A2 protein, which helps in preventing coronary diseases and eliminates the problem of lactose intolerance. The very cause of lactose intolerance is the A1 protein found in Jersey cows, which does not exist in the A2 milk of indigenous Indian cows. Therefore, it is ideal for anybody to switch to A2 milk. You can also consume Desert Nomadic cow ghee to reap the diverse benefits it provides.   At Desert Nomadic, we have over 350 cows that reside happily in over 400 acres of land. You can conveniently buy Tharparkar cow ghee made from A2 milk of our indigenous cows. For more information, visit Desert Nomadic  Let us all come together and protect our 37 existing indigenous Indian cows and cherish the benefits they provide in a healthy manner. 

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